Saturday, October 13
08.30pm - 10.00pm
Officience Viet Nam
08:00am Registration Opens
Participants mingle and get to know each other.
08:45am Opening Remarks
Message from organizers
09:00am Inspirational speech
Mr. Sofian Akmal Abd. Karim (Consul General of Malaysia)
09:10am UNESCO Handbook for Journalists Reporting on Climate Change
Ms. Misako Ito (Regional Adviser UNESCO)
9:20am Intro of Background, Rules and Prizes
Introduction to background and outlining rules and prizes.
9:45am Panel Discussion: A Green Planet for All
With Giang Oi, Khai Don, Misako Ito and Hong Phuc Dang
10:30am Lightning round by mentors
All Hackathon Mentors
11:30am Team Building Activities
Participants introduce their ideas and form teams.
12:30pm Lunch
Lunch boxes are served at the venue.
1:00pm Hacking begins
Participants start to work on ideas.
3:00pm Electronics workshop with
Padmal M (FOSSASIA developer)
5:00pm Workshop: Git and Github
By FOSSASIA mentors.
6:30pm Dinner
Dinner snacks and boxes are available.
10:00pm Hacking space closes
The hack place closes for the day.
Sunday, October 14
8.00am - 5.30pm
Officience Viet Nam
08:00am Breakfast
Good morning breakfast snacks.
08:15am Hack Activities Continue
Participants work on awesome hacks.
11:30pm How to Kill your Own Pitch
Lan Huynh (Founder Talk To Ms.Lan)
12:00pm Lightning Talks
Short presentations by guest speakers
12:30pm Catered Lunch
Lunch boxes are available for hackathon participants.
1:00pm Hacking Continues
Participants continue to work on their hacks.
2:30pm Submission Form Closes
Participants submit their project and have one more hour to improve their showcase and hacks for the presentation.
2:45pm How to crowdfund your start-up: A successful indiegogo case
By Kee Wee Teng, Founder of LionsForge, a Start-up from Singapore
3:15pm Presentation of Outcomes
Teams present their hacks in a 3 minute pitch and 2 mins Q&A.
4:00pm Judges Withdraw for Consultation
Jury discusses hacks and chooses winners.
4:30pm Award Announcement and Ceremony
Awards are announced.
5:00pm Closing
Closing of Hackathon.
UNESCO Hackathon
Event Partners

Open Tech Development in Asia
FOSSASIA develops Open Source software and hardware for conversational AI, science and event management with a global developer community from its base in Asia. FOSSASIA organizes Open Technology events, and runs coding programs. The annual FOSSASIA Summit is a premier Open Technology event in Asia. FOSSASIA was founded in 2009.

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
The UNESCO is an agency of the United Nations (UN) with the purpose to contribute to peace and security by promoting international collaboration through educational, scientific, and cultural reforms in order to increase universal respect for justice, the rule of law, and human rights along with fundamental freedom proclaimed in the United Nations Charter.
Mentors & Speakers


Frequently Asked Questions
What is the expected outcome of the hack?
For the expected outcome of the hack, the applications or games shall be open source and use open data to tackle the climate change, environment and sustainable development challenges.
What area and requirements should the hack address?
There are four areas: 1. Address environmental challenges, 2. Enable the visualization of data, 3. Mobilize and create engagement, 4. Gender-sensitive prototype encouraging women in sustainable development.
Does the hack need to be a functioning app?
An important point is, is the prototype or showcase functioning? We prefer real code and design implementations over mockups.
What to Enter?
Please submit a link to the app, a Github link and a short presentation as a download or on Google drive. You can also share anything else to demonstrate your work.
Can I submit a video to demonstrate our hack?
The platform accepts links to YouTube, Vimeo or Youku. If you like you can post a short video to demonstrate your work.
Is it possible to show other files?
There is also an option to upload a file. The platform allows submitters to upload one file, though they can combine files into a single ZIP file.
What other information do I need to provide?
The platform requires contestants to enter an entry name and description. Please also accept the the conditions of the contest including sharing your work under certified Open Source license.
What platform is your hack running on?
Share information about what operating systems or devices can your hack run on.
What ressources do we need to include?
Include information about API, SDK, or data set, that are required to run the app.
Do we need to code everything new or can we use existing code?
Any work done need to be new for the competition. Existing apps are not eligible. However the specific details what is acceptable and what is not will be determined by the jury. For example existing apps that have been modified substantially and include entirely new functionality would still be eligible.
What are the submission and display rights for our hack?
The submissions should be Open Source and licensed under a compliant Open Source/Free Software license. They should be upload to a Github repository. We also request the right to use the winners’ names and work to promote the competition and hackathons in future.
Where can I find more info about the rules and submission guidelines?
The rules and submission guidelines are listed on the Devpost event site. Participants are required to register here and upload their work at the hackathon to the site.
How does a Hackathon work
This video was shot at Science Hack Day San Francisco and explains what a typical Hack Day is like.
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